# | Name | Released at |
44 | Venom - Black Metal | 1982-11-02 |
34 | Mercyful Fate - Mercyful Fate | 1982-11-08 |
53 | Hellhammer - Triumph of Death | 1983-07 |
1 | Hellhammer - Satanic Rites | 1983-12 |
24 | Bulldozer - Fallen Angel | 1984-02 |
9 | Hellhammer - Apocalyptic Raids | 1984-03-07 |
37 | Venom - At War With Satan | 1984-04-16 |
64 | Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales | 1984-06-24 |
47 | Bathory - Bathory | 1984-10-02 |
73 | Running Wild - Gates to Purgatory | 1984-12-26 |
52 | Sodom - In the Sign of Evil | 1985-01 |
22 | Bulldozer - The Day of Wrath | 1985-03-13 |
65 | Bathory - The Return...... | 1985-05-27 |
35 | Samhain - The Courier | 1985-08-04 |
42 | Celtic Frost - Emperor's Return | 1985-08-15 |
15 | Celtic Frost - To Mega Therion | 1985-10-27 |
79 | Running Wild - Branded and Exiled | 1985 |
93 | Venom - Possessed | 1985 |
8 | Kat - Metal and Hell | 1986-04 |
21 | Mefisto - Megalomania | 1986-05 |
74 | Kat - 666 | 1986-05 |
59 | Vulcano - Bloody Vengeance | 1986-08-10 |
91 | Mayhem - Pure Fucking Armageddon | 1986 |
5 | Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark | 1987-05-11 |
19 | Death SS - The Story of Death SS 1977-1984 | 1987-06-06 |
38 | Sarcófago - I.N.R.I. | 1987-08 |
4 | Holocausto - Campo de Extermínio | 1987 |
30 | Death SS - ...In Death of Steve Sylvester | 1988 |
70 | Venom - Prime Evil | 1989-10-09 |
68 | Death SS - Black Mass | 1989-12-23 |
14 | Beherit - Seventh Blasphemy | 1990-02-26 |
10 | Beherit - Demonomancy | 1990-06-06 |
20 | Sextrash - Sexual Carnage | 1990-09 |
3 | Root - Zjevení | 1990-12 |
66 | Venom - Temples of Ice | 1991-05-31 |
57 | Corpse Molestation - Official Rehearsal 1991 | 1991-10 |
56 | Death SS - Heavy Demons | 1991-11-02 |
12 | Bestial Summoning - The Dark War Has Begun | 1992-05 |
58 | Venom - The Waste Lands | 1992-10-29 |
55 | Mortuary Drape - Into the Drape | 1992-12 |
67 | Carpathian Forest - Bloodlust and Perversion | 1992 |
85 | Running Wild - Branded & Exiled | 1993-04-00 |
23 | Gorgoroth - A Sorcery Written in Blood | 1993-04-28 |
86 | Sigh - Scorn Defeat | 1993 |
29 | Various Artists - Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins | 1994-09 |
2 | Ancient Rites - The Diabolic Serenades | 1994-11-01 |
54 | Moonblood - Nosferatu | 1994-12-14 |
62 | Mortuary Drape - All The Witches Dance | 1994 |
98 | Impaled Nazarene - Tol Cormpt Norz Norz Norz | 1994 |
36 | Decayed - Resurrectiónem Mortuórum | 1996-08 |
32 | Mayhem - Freezing Moon | 1996 |
60 | Mayhem - Out From the Dark | 1996 |
18 | Mortuary Drape - Secret Sudaria | 1997-05 |
31 | Blood Storm - The Atlantean Wardragon | 1997-06 |
83 | Marduk - Here's No Peace | 1997 |
97 | Various Artists - Maximum Metal Vol. 172 | 1997 |
16 | Emperor - Emperor / Wrath of the Tyrant | 1998-09-28 |
48 | Nifelheim - Devil's Force | 1998 |
95 | Various Artists - Off Road Tracks Vol. 70 | 1998 |
96 | Old Funeral - The Older Ones | 1999-08-06 |
78 | Uncreation's Dawn - Night Of The Damnation | 1999 |
7 | Satanic Warmaster - Bloody Ritual | 2000-03 |
90 | Venom - Resurrection | 2000-04-13 |
51 | Marduk - Infernal Eternal | 2000-10-31 |
72 | Darkthrone - Preparing for war | 2000-11-06 |
11 | Necrodeath - Mater of All Evil | 2000 |
43 | Crucifixion BR - Live Possession | 2000 |
40 | Crucifixion BR - In The Shadows Of The Obscurity | 2002 |
71 | Venom - In League With Satan | 2003 |
89 | Gorgoroth - Twilight Of The Idols [In Conspiracy With Satan] | 2003 |
75 | Damnation - Destructo Evangelia | 2004-08-23 |
28 | Various Artists - Fenriz Presents... The Best of Old-School Black Metal | 2004-09-20 |
13 | Cult of Daath - Slit Throats and Ritual Nights | 2005-02-17 |
87 | Enthroned - Maximum Metal Vol. 121 | 2005-03-21 |
17 | Filii Nigrantium Infernalium - Fellatrix Discordia Pantokrator | 2005-10-01 |
76 | Venom - Metal Black | 2006-03-24 |
25 | Desaster - Infernal voices | 2006-12-13 |
6 | Taake - ...Bjoergvin... | 2007 |
92 | Impaled Nazarene - Tol Cormpt Norz, Norz, Norz... | 2007 |
50 | Utgard - Thrones and Dominions | 2008-06-25 |
80 | Mayhem - Life Eternal | 2008-10-20 |
33 | Beherit - Engram | 2009-04-09 |
94 | Aaron Sledge - Aaron Sledge | 2009 |
27 | Barshasketh - Defying the Bonds of Cosmic Thralldom | 2010-02 |
82 | Watain - Maximum Metal Vol. 172 | 2010 |
63 | Marduk - Iron Dawn | 2011-07-01 |
46 | Gorgoroth - Under the Sign of Hell 2011 | 2011-12-05 |
100 | Peasant - Demo 2012 | 2012 |
45 | Old Funeral - Our Condolences 1988-1992 | 2013-02-15 |
81 | Bloodlust - Spell Of The Raven Witch | 2013-10-11 |
88 | Bloodlust - Death Magic Rites | 2013-10-11 |
84 | Endstille - Maximum Metal Vol. 121 | 2013-11-11 |
99 | Impaled Martyr - Satanic Winter | 2014-03-11 |
49 | Dreadful Relic - Archaic Conjurations | 2014-12-21 |
69 | Peasant - Go to Hell | 2015-04-20 |
77 | Vulto Abissal - Queen of the Dark Depths | 2015-06-06 |
61 | Extravaganth - Snuff | 2017-01-24 |
39 | armorer - Cerulean | 2017-06-08 |
26 | Apokalyptic Raids - The Pentagram | 2018-07-20 |
41 | Ildskær - Den Rædsomste Nat | 2020-09-02 |